Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Eating Well Doesn't Mean Starving Yourself!!

Eating well doesn't mean starving yourself. It means treating your body with kindness and feeding it good nutritious and wholesome food when it tells you that it's hungry. Constant dieting, limiting your caloric intake, taking diet pills and eating foods that are "diet" or "light" is not the way to feel and look great. In the long run, they will only contribute to a more sluggish and chemical filled body!! Do your research, put some effort in and find out what foods work best for you! There is no need to give up delicious food...All it takes is a little effort, and you'll come up with recipes you never imagined were possible all while you work towards a happier and more fit you. Trust me, it's not that difficult! Check out "15 Staple Pantry Items to Always Have on Hand" or "Where to Shop on a Budget in Vancity" at the bottom of the page for tips on how to get started. You can start with your next shop and never look back!!! Good luck :)

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