Thursday, May 30, 2013
Cleanse Challenge: Monday June 3rd...Lets Do it Together!
Lately, I've been finding that I have been getting a bit off track with my eating and exercising. I am definitely one of those people who has a hard time resisting bread, cake, cookies, butter etc. (really, who doesn't? You're just lying to your self if you think those things are gross :D), but I understand that I feel SO much better when I treat my body with kindness and eat food that is wholesome and nourishing, not just momentarily satisfying to my taste buds. While I know I eat well most of the time, I can feel myself slipping, and when I start to have this feeling, I usually do something to change my direction. Since I am a pretty competitive person (Tyc, you can elaborate!) I am easily motivated by challenges and goals. So when I need a jump start, I usually set a date for a cleanse. I never do juice cleanses or super restrictive fasts. This girl loves to eat and I am NOT a fun person to be around when I am starving (again, Tyc you can elaborate!). If you prefer those cleanses, all the power to you, but I am feisty enough as it is without being starved!
So I am setting a date. On Monday June 3rd I will begin my 10 cleanse and I hope you'll follow me while I do it so you can see for yourself how easy it is!! Sometimes I go and buy a cleanse kit, but this time I will be cleansing with food only. Feel free to use a kit if you want. The best place to buy them is at Body Energy on Davie St. Rick Bennet is the best and carries a huge variety of cleanse kits.
I suggest you shop ahead of time if you want to be prepared for Monday morning. Otherwise, you might end up eating something bland and become unmotivated. I want to show you that clean eating is easy AND tastes good, you just need to experiment and find what works for you :). I'll be putting up a shopping list in the next few days (or tonight if I finish my homework in time!) so that you can buy the things I think are really essential while cleansing. I'll also post a short blurb about which foods we will NOT be eating on the cleanse so you can eat it now or purge your kitchen before you start. Don't tempt yourself with things you know you can't resist!
Cleansing with other people is SO motivating. We can share our recipes, track our progress and vent when we feel like breaking down. I promise it is better when you do it with others! Make the commitment to yourself and I will make the commitment to you that for 10 days we will be in it together! I'll post as many recipes as I can and I encourage you to do the same. Watch for the upcoming Cleanse Shopping List post as well as a What Not to Eat While You're Cleansing so you can be as prepared and excited as possible. Making changes for the better can only lead to one thing: A Good Life.
***DISCLAIMER: I am not a health care professional and any and all information on my blog is my personal opinion and comes from my personal experience. You should consult a doctor before embarking on any dietary changes. Please participate at your own risk.
Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Crispy and Delicious Polenta Fries (Gluten Free)
OK. So out of all the things I make, these are definitely a fan favorite. It doesn't matter if you're vegan, vegetarian or gluten-free, these can be altered according to pretty much any diet and will still be totally delicious. The recipe below is the basic recipe, but you can add herbs, spices, cheese, olives, seeds etc. to make your own special creation. They only take about 45 minutes to make from start to finish and are an awesome appy, snack or accompaniment with your dinner. Just make sure you make a lot since they won't last long!!
2 cups liquid (I used chicken broth today since I had some that I needed to use up, but water or vegetable stock works just as well for a vegan option)
2 tbsp vegetable oil (I like olive oil for the flavour, but use whatever you like best)
1 cup medium ground corn meal (non-GMO, organic if you can find it)
1 tsp sea salt (or leave out if you're using stock and it's already salted)
1 tsp fresh cracked pepper
1/2 cup medium ground cornmeal (non-GMO, organic)
2 tbsp grated parmesan cheese (this can be left out for vegans and it will still be crispy :D)
Preheat oven to 350, and line baking sheet with parchment paper. Prepare rectangular baking dish with oil or cooking spray.
The key here is that you need to move quickly. As soon as the cornmeal goes in to the liquid it will begin to thicken so be prepared to focus your attention on it for a few minutes. Bring your liquid to a boil and then shut off the heat. Quickly add cornmeal and begin to stir until mixture thickens and pulls away from the sides of the pot (I find this happens in about 45 seconds, but it will depend on the kind of cornmeal you have). It should be quite stiff, about like muffin batter. Pour into the prepared baking dish and spread out evenly to about 1/2 inch. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for about 15 minutes or until it is completely cool.
When the polenta has cooled, take it out of the fridge and cut into 2" x 3/4" pieces (as long as your finger and about twice as wide). Combine the cornmeal and parmesan for the breading, gently press each "fry" into the breading mixture until completely coated, and place on the parchment lined baking sheet. Repeat until the pan is full and put it in to the oven for about 12 minutes or until the polenta fries are a deep golden brown. Remove from the oven and allow to cool off a little (do not let them get cold, but they are really hard to eat when they are straight out of the oven!). Serve on their own or with your favorite dip and enjoy!!
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Eating Well Doesn't Mean Starving Yourself!!

Eating well doesn't mean starving yourself. It means treating your body with kindness and feeding it good nutritious and wholesome food when it tells you that it's hungry. Constant dieting, limiting your caloric intake, taking diet pills and eating foods that are "diet" or "light" is not the way to feel and look great. In the long run, they will only contribute to a more sluggish and chemical filled body!! Do your research, put some effort in and find out what foods work best for you! There is no need to give up delicious food...All it takes is a little effort, and you'll come up with recipes you never imagined were possible all while you work towards a happier and more fit you. Trust me, it's not that difficult! Check out "15 Staple Pantry Items to Always Have on Hand" or "Where to Shop on a Budget in Vancity" at the bottom of the page for tips on how to get started. You can start with your next shop and never look back!!! Good luck :)
Monday, May 27, 2013
Chewy & Fudgey Gluten Free Oatmeal Cocoa Cookies
1 cup gluten free oats (I actually use an oatmeal mixture which also has flax seeds and millet)
1/4 cup cane sugar
1 tsp salt
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/4 cup olive oil
2 egg whites
Heat oven to 350 and line baking sheet with parchment paper.
Mix dry ingredients well; set aside. Whisk olive oil and egg whites until frothy and then add to dry mixture. Incorporate ingredients and refrigerate for as long as possible. Drop onto baking sheet about 1 inch apart and press down with a fork. Bake for approximately 11-14 minutes. Make sure to keep an eye on them since the bottoms will burn very easily-don't you just hate it when recipes don't tell you that?! Allow to cool (or not!) and enjoy :)
Gluten Free/Dairy Free Red Thai Chicken Curry with Bok Choi and Water Chestnuts
We love Thai food in our household, and there are lots of place in Vancity to get amazing Thai. But while I love the flavour, I always end up feeling slightly guilty because I know how much bad stuff is in there!! So I make red curry at home quite often, and I have to say...I don't miss ordering in. I usually keep mine pretty simple, but you can really add any vegetables you'd like, add seafood, leave the meat out all together...whatever you feel like. The really vital part I find is the sauce and after that, just get creative! I also make quite a big batch since it's amazing the next day for lunch , but you can halve it if you want a smaller portion :)
2 cans coconut milk (not cream)
1-2 tbsp red curry paste (use as much or as little as you want depending on how spicy you want it!)
4 non-medicated, free-run chicken breasts
1 whole head Bok Choi chopped
1/2 chopped onion
1/2 can water chestnuts
Sea salt to taste
Fresh cracked pepper to taste
1 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp lemon juice
Heat a large skillet/non-stick frying pan on medium and dissolve curry paste in coconut oil. Add both cans of coconut milk, salt, pepper, lemon juice and the chopped onion and stir until curry is combined (if you are adding carrots or broccoli this is the time to throw them in). Arrange chicken breasts in sauce mixture. Cover and turn heat to medium low and simmer for 12-15 minutes or until chicken is cooked through. Add chopped Bok Choi and water chestnuts, stir and cover with lid until Bok Choi is wilted, but not completely soft (you want it to give a bit of crunch!). Garnish with fresh grated ginger, a lime wedge or fresh herbs and serve with steamed rice or rice noodles. Enjoy!
Friday, May 24, 2013
5 Tips for Ultimate Summer Happiness: A Challenge for Us Adults
On a day like today, I am instantly transported back to my childhood when my sister and I would get up at the crack of dawn, throw on our shorts and head out into the neighborhood for a day of playing in the sun. Knocking on our friend's doors and gasping for breath after running all the way up the street, we would ask, rather abruptly, "Can [Scott, Megan, Matt, Michael, Brianne, Sanjani, Kajal, Kathy, Pam, Nicole, Elana, Janna, etc.] come out and play?" Those were the days. The days of frivolous frolicking in our South Burnaby neighborhood with sweat dripping in our eyes and dirt on our knees as if it was just all in a hard days work. I miss this feeling, and I want to get it back. My goal this summer is to create an adult version, and I challenge you to do the same!
I pledge to do 5 things this summer that I hope will get me back to that deliriously happy state of mind where my biggest problem is who's Mom is providing our snack that day (please feel free to volunteer your mother should she show interest!). Please join me in having the best adult summer EVER!
- I pledge not to feel guilty for taking care of myself in this way and for prioritizing myself and my family/friends over my work.
- I pledge to pick up the phone and call people individually to hang out instead of sending out mass texts to groups of people letting them know where we'll be.
- I pledge to have as many friends and family BBQ's as possible (at my house or at my parents'...or at friends' if they're willing!) and sit out until we need to light the citronella candles :)
- I pledge to ride my bike as much as humanly possible with my friends or by myself.
- I pledge to go to an outdoor pool or beach and actually go swimming and get my hair wet even though it might look a hot mess afterwards (who cares!)
You may have noticed I didn't include extra-curricular activities such as having beers on a patio; I didn't include these summer things because they are inevitable. We will definitely find ourselves on the patio at Local or the grass at Kits tossing back a few cold ones and blasting our music...Awesome! I just thought I'd try something different this summer in addition to all the things we do each year in good ol' Vancity. I want to feel the wind in my hair as I whip down Main street on my bike. I want to sit out on a deck with candles burning, shooting the shit until the wee hours. I want to have that heart pounding excitement I felt when I was a kid when it was summer, the sun was out, and we didn't have a care in the world. This year I'm making a conscious effort to have the best summer ever and to not let it pass me by...Come knock on our door if your in the hood and let's go ride bikes!
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Where to Shop for Clean Eats on a Budget in Vancity
OK, so you don't have a bursting-at-the-seams bank account that allows you to skip feverishly through Whole Foods, Urban Fare or Choices throwing items into your cart willy-nilly without considering prices. It's OK, one day you will :). But right now, you need to nourish your self properly so that you've got what you need to fuel your body and work for those goals. You CAN eat well on a budget. It is NOT necessary to exist on Kraft dinner and Chunky soup, or pre-bagged caeser salads that have more calories and less nutritional value than the KD (OK so maybe not, but you get the point).
Since we moved to SOMA, I have had to re-familiarize myself with where to shop since there are so many options WAY up here compared to downtown ;). It took me about a month, but I have now found all of the places where I can get good stuff for cheap. I have mentioned before that I keep a running grocery list in my phone that I am constantly updating so that when it comes to shopping, I can look at my list and see which store I need to visit. If there is something I can wait for that I usually buy at another store, I leave it until the next week...I DO NOT run all over town in one day picking up 1 thing here and 1 thing there. I don't have time for that so organization is key...Know where to shop and keep your list updated. That way, you can keep your $ spent and your time spent down and enjoy more time for cooking, reading, gardening or whatever it is you like to do :). Here's the list! Please feel free to leave comments below so I can update the list in the future. I'll add to it too as summer emerges and let you know!
Whole Foods (Yes, it's good for somethings):
- Bulk organic Chia seeds
- Bulk organic Spelt Flakes
- Bulk organic Quinoa
No Frills (Great for basics):
- Canned goods (beans, tomatoes, tuna, etc)
- Dried beans
- Organic vegetables
- Bulk nuts & seeds (of all kinds)
- Frozen fruit (berries, peaches, mango etc)
- Yogurt (I only buy bio-yogurt and they have great deals on it most of the time)
- Cheese (all kinds)
- Almond or soy milk
- Eggs
Superstore (Great for just about anything):
- Check out the natural/organic/gluten free aisle for things like gluten free bread, coconut oil, crackers, bio-yogurt in bulk, almond or soy milk, "healthy" chips :), can sugar and tons more awesome and affordable items
- Organic vegetables
- Frozen fruits
- Meat
- Dairy
- Eggs (free-run/organic)
- Canned goods (of all kinds)
- Bulk organic quinoa and other bulk goods
- Olive oil, grapeseed oil and other vegetable based oils
- Dried goods such as rice, beans and lentils
- Baking essentials such as baking powder, vanilla, masa harina corn flour etc.
SunRise Market (Gore and Powell-you'll find lots of neat, affordable things here)
- In season local vegetables, fruits and herbs (I bet you get more veggies than you can carry for under 40 bucks)
- Spices and rubs (Indian and Thai curries, cajun spice, etc)
- Canned goods (coconut milk, water chestnuts,
- Tofu (of all kinds)
- Almond or soy milk
- Local bio yogurt
- Lara bars, Oski bars and Dan-D-Pak snacks
- Eggs (free-run/organic)
- Coconut water and other healthy beverages such as Kombucha
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Herbed Lemon Chicken
This has got to be one of the easiest meals ever. I know everyone has their own secret to juicy, tender chicken...Those of you who don't, I have the best secret ever. It's low fat, cheap and I guarantee you'll always have it on hand. It's called water. Heard of it? Good! Follow the recipe below for the juiciest chicken ever :)
Free range, organic, non-medicated chicken thighs, legs, breasts or whatever kind of chicken you like (skin on or off)
1 large lemon (cut into quarters)
1/2 cup chopped fresh herbs (you can use dry if you want)
Sea salt to taste
Cracked pepper to taste
2 cups water
Preheat oven to 400 F.
Pour water into the bottom of a roasting pan (or a large casserole dish with or without lid). Place chicken into the pan and sprinkle herbs, salt and pepper over top. Arrange lemon wedges around chicken. Cook for approximately 15-20 minutes being sure to check frequently and baste chicken if necessary. Be sure that if you have used a casserole dish with a lid AND have chosen to keep the skin on the chicken, you need to remove the lid to let the skin crisp for about 7 minutes before serving. Enjoy!
Creamy Chia Seed Tapioca Pudding (Gluten Free/Vegan)
When I was a kid my grandma used to make me tapioca pudding. It was one of my absolute favorite creamy, sweet, light and delicious :). Actually, I wouldn't have really modified her recipe that much since tapioca itself is gluten free. Maybe I would have used almond milk instead of cows milk and honey instead of white sugar, but really, I came upon this chia recipe by accident this afternoon while I was having lunch. I always mix chia seeds with plain yogurt and after it sits in the fridge over night, the consistency is just like tapioca. But I decided to try a vegan version tonight and see how it turned out. Alternatively, just throw a spoon full of chia seeds into whatever kind of yogurt you like, leave it over night in the fridge and in the morning you have a delicious, healthy and energizing snack!
2 cups almond milk
3/4 of a cup chia seeds
2 tbsp honey (or any other sweetener of your choosing)
1 tsp vanilla
Mix all ingredients together and leave in fridge for as long as you can stand it without eating! Enjoy :)
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Easiest Garden Ever!
OK, so here is our garden 1 1/2 weeks after planting it. I buy starter plants at Buy Low in Kingsgate Mall for about $1.50 per plant. I can't be bothered to plant them from seed since I am very impatient and an amateur gardener! My goal is easy, fast and cheap and that is exactly what I got. Oh yeah, and DELISH!
To grow your own, find a nursery or grocery store that has a garden centre and choose the herbs you love! I always buy basil since it is so versatile. Others we went with this year are rosemary, dill, thyme and chives. We also got a couple of tomato plants which seem to be thriving on our sun drenched roof top patio (they need a lot of warmth and light). Get some planters and some potting soil and a invest in Miracle really does work. Of course you do not have to use this if you don't want. I know its kind of cheating and that some people will not want the chemicals...totally understandable and it will totally still work. I may put up a video this weekend showing people how I planted my garden in case anyone is afraid of screwing it up...its actually super easy. Just keep your plants well hydrated (but not over watered) and out of the wind, and let them get lots of sun. Also, do a little research about which herbs work best in your home or garden as not all growing conditions will work for all plants! Then just sit back, relax and enjoy your beautiful garden that helps to nourish your body and soul :)
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
15 Staple Pantry Items You Should Always Have on Hand
I promised I would post a list of must have pantry items so here it is. Obviously this is not an inclusive list, but it's at least a good start for someone who's looking to start doing more clean cooking and clean eating. The best trick I have is keeping a running grocery list in my phone in the notes section (I'm a slave to my iPhone, sorry). Since my phone is almost always right beside me, it's the perfect way to keep track of the things we want and need since I add items to the list as they pop into my head. Once I have purchased them I delete them, or rather, once they are in my shopping cart I delete them. Those of you who know me will know that I am slightly OCD so checking things off my list this way gives me a sense of satisfaction. Crazy, I know. But effective! I hardly ever forget to pick things up at the store; if I don't come home with everything on my list, it's usually because something was a bit too pricey that day, and I decided we could live without it. Later this week I'll be posting a "Where to Shop on a Budget in Vancity" list so that you can try to avoid going without things you really need slash want even if money is tight!
But without further adieu, here is the list of the "15 Staples Pantry Items You Should Always Have on Hand":
- Quinoa-Much cheaper if you buy it in bulk, and try to buy organic, fair trade. A quick internet search will provide you with a slew of information outlining why!
- Chia seeds-Also much cheaper if you buy them in bulk. Black or white are both fine
- Seeds-My faves are pepitas, sunflower seeds & poppy seeds, but they're all great :)
- Nuts-Basically anything except peanuts. Buy raw nuts and roast them yourself. You really shouldn't eat raw nuts because of the anti-nutrient they contain, and roasting them yourself is fast and much healthier since you know there isn't loads of extra oil on them.
- Spices-Any kind you like!! I try to get a variety so that my soups, stews, stir-frys, curries etc. don't always taste the same.
- Sea salt and cracked pepper (OK this is technically 2 items, but really they're pretty much a pair :D).
- Dried herbs-OK so actually, fresh are so much better, but the store bought fresh are super expensive and not really that fresh. I grow my own which saves me time & money (the starter plants cost $1.39 each and now I have plants that produce almost more than we can use), plus I get to garden which makes me very excited! :D This being said, I always have some dried spices on hand since they are perfect for rubs, dips, dressings etc.
- Good quality extra virgin olive oil. Perfect for salads and other fresh sauces amongst many other things.
- Extra virgin, cold pressed coconut oil. You can literally buy this anywhere now...It will be on my "Where to Shop..." list so keep your eyes peeled this week. Perfect for cooking and baking.
- Organic, unpasteurized Honey. Versatile and delish...'nuff said.
- Cane Sugar-Try to buy this in bulk as it is MUCH less expensive.
- Baking powder-Just very handy and used in so many recipes
- Masa Harina corn flour- NOT cornmeal or corn starch. Usually found in the ethnic aisle (try to get organic, non-GMO if you can find it)
- Organic, non-GMO cornmeal
- Gluten-free oats
Like I said, just a starter list. I may revise this as time goes on so I will update you if I do so. Happy shopping!!!
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Kale Salad with Chia Seeds & Pepitas
Green or Black Kale
1/2 cup pepitas (roasted pumpkin seeds)
1/4 cup chia seeds
1/2 of a large, ripe avocado
3 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 tbsp olive oil
Fresh cracked pepper to taste
Sea salt to taste
The key to a good kale salad is dressing it about 20 minutes before you intend on eating it. Since kale is very hearty and fibrous, you need to "hand fry" it in the dressing and allow it to sit and absorb the dressing in order to have a nice, tender salad rather than one that's bitter and tough. "Hand frying" is simply dressing the salad (I would leave the avocado out until after hand frying) and massaging the oils and seeds into the kale to help break it down. You only need to do this for about 15-20 seconds then add the avocado and pop it in the fridge until dinner time. You'll be surprised at how delicious the kale becomes, and that it has not become soggy in the fridge as some other lettuces might do. Try it out! Kale is tasty if you prepare it properly :)
Herbed Cucumber & Tomato Salad and Baked Yams with Rosemary (Vegan/Gluten Free)
Herbed Cucumber & Tomato Salad-A summer classic
1 large, seedless organic cucumber
4 organic Roma tomatoes
1 ripe organic avocado
2 tbsp EVOO
2 tbsp fresh lemon juice
Handful of fresh spinach
Tons of fresh chopped dill
Fresh chopped chives
Fresh cracked pepper to taste
Sea salt to taste
Cut tomato, cucumber and avocado into bite-sized pieces. Toss all ingredients together and leave in fridge while preparing the rest of your meal or eat right away! I especially love this salad when it's cold so I like to leave it in the fridge for about 10 minutes before eating. Enjoy :)
Baked Yams with Rosemary
2 large organic yams
2 tbsp oil (I used a combination of olive and vegetable oil since olive oil has such a low burning temp, but
good flavour)
Lots of fresh chopped rosemary
Pepper to taste
Sea salt to taste
Preheat oven to 375 F. Cut yams into wedges about 1 inch thick (yes, I am Canadian and using inches) and then toss in oil, pepper, salt and rosemary until well coated. I usually put a sheet of parchment paper down which allows you to use less oil, but it works nicely without as well (maybe a bit more crispy without!). Put into oven for about 10 minutes or until yams are tender crisp and then flip them and cook for another 10 minutes so that both sides cook evenly and get crispy! Eat hot as a side, a snack or as an appy with hummus, Tofu Spinach dip (found here on my blog) or Tangy Dill Yogurt dip (also on my blog). Enjoy!
Friday, May 10, 2013
Summer Pear and Spinach Salad with Honey Lemon Dressing (Vegan/Gluten Free)
Fresh Spinach
Fresh Kale (Green or Black)
1 large, ripe Anjou Pear
1/2 of a ripe avocado
1/2 cup chopped roasted almonds (*I buy raw and roast them myself so I know there isn't any added oil)
*This recipe makes enough dressing to store for future use. I usually have 2 or 3 homemade dressings in my fridge for quick access during the week...they also get better over time! But a good rule of thumb is to use them up within a week or so since they are fresh and could go bad. They are also great as marinades if you don't think you'll use them all on salads :).
1/2 cup EVOO
2 tsp honey (for those vegans who do not eat honey, agave syrup
will work just as well)
1/4 fresh lemon juice
Cracked pepper to taste
Sea salt to taste
Put into resealable container and shake until well blended (it will appear somewhat creamy) and store in refrigerator until ready to use!
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Growing our Garden, Growing our Hearts
Moving out of Gastown and into SOMA (South Main, duh :P) has been just what I needed to put the focus back on living a "good life". To me, a "good life" doesn't just mean having tons of cash, a flashy car and a closet full of clothes from Holt-but don't get me wrong I also desire to have those things one day. Right now while I'm a broke student without much extra cash flow, the focus is not on the material things, but on the things that will help me to achieve success. Yes, studying hard is important and necessary for maintaining a healthy GPA, but if you don't have balance, the studying part becomes very difficult to do. I need another focus, and that comes in the form of looking after my home and the beings that live there :).
For the first time in about 5 years we planted a garden. I can't tell you how therapeutic it is to come home from a long day and water our plants or just look at them and sit amongst them. Tonight I went into our garden and cut fresh dill and rosemary for our dinner. There is nothing like growing and eating your own food. I think it is an innate sense of where we as humans come from; from our humble beginnings when we were so much closer to the earth. I guess this might sound crazy to some people :). I just feel better when I'm in nature and I think its a feeling I can become totally disconnected from when living in the city. So even if its just a little bit of greenery on my apartment patio, I feel that while it nurtures my body it also truly nurtures my soul and my heart. <3
Sweet and Creamy Power Smoothie (Vegan/Gluten Free)
1 ripe avocado
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1/2 cup frozen peaches
4 stalks of kale (cleaned and ripped into smaller pieces and stem removed)
Juice of half a lemon
1 tbsp honey
3/4 cup almond milk
1/4 large cucumber (cut into smaller pieces)
Throw everything in a blender and blend until smooth! I blend mine a lot since I really like it creamy. You won't believe this is dairy free...The avocado and almond milk combine to make it SO creamy! You'll be buying avocados in bulk from here on out!
Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia!! Chocolate Pudding (Vegan/Gluten Free)
This makes a pretty big recipe because I really can't help but eat some at night and then again in the morning for breakfast! :) It is filling, nutritious and an instant energy boost, and don't forget...Yummy! I add fresh or frozen berries for a little tartness or a banana for a super vitamin packed meal. You can reduce this recipe by half and you would still have more than enough for dessert for two <3
Probably the best part about this recipe is that it only takes about 4 minutes to prepare so I can do it while my dinner is in the oven and let it sit in the fridge until we're done eating without constantly checking on it. Easy, healthy and delicious. Perfect.
1 cup chia seeds
2 cups almond milk (any milk will do)
1 tsp vanilla
1/2 cup finely chopped almonds
4 tbsp organic cocoa powder (You can use less if you want a more subtle chocolate flavor)
Pinch of sea salt
Frozen or fresh berries or fruit of any kind (optional)
Put all ingredients except for the fruit into a blender. Blend on medium speed for about 45 seconds. Pour into bowl and refrigerate for as long as possible. After 30 minutes it will definitely have thickened considerably, but leaving it overnight results in a much thicker pudding.
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
My Favorite Corncake Recipe (Gluten free)
This recipe is my absolute favorite! You can leave out some of the sugar for a more savory dish or add cheese, fresh herbs, dried fruit, nuts etc. for variation. I usually make it when I feel like something sweet, but don't want anything too heavy. It's best straight out of the oven with a little butter on it or honey. I also make this pretty much every time I make my veggie or turkey chili :) Hope you like it as much as I do! Warning!! It can be more healthy or less healthy depending on what ingredients you use...get creative! :)
1 cup medium grind organic cornmeal
1 cup Indian cornflour (not corn starch or you'll end up with a mess!)
1/4 cup cane sugar (you can use regular sugar if you don't have cane)
1/4 cup powdered sugar ( leave out if you want a more savory cake)
1/2 oil or butter (I use coconut oil and it is delicious and more healthy)
1 tsp baking powder
1 egg (could use egg substitute for vegan version)
1/4 milk (I use almond milk or coconut milk)
1 tsp vanilla
Preheat oven to 350 F.
Cream the sugar and the butter or oil and add vanilla. Beat in the egg and then slowly add the dry ingredients. Stir well and then slowly add the milk and beat well until combined. I beat mine by hand for about 2 minutes, but if you have a mixer, mix on medium for about 1 minute. Turn into a well oiled/floured cake pan and bake for 30-40 minutes. Cake is done when toothpick comes out clean. Eat hot with butter and enjoy!
**This recipe can be done in a cast iron skillet like traditional corn bread so if you have one use it! So crispy and delish if you do. Just preheat the skillet on medium/low heat while you are preparing the cornbread mixture. Add a little bit of oil (vegetable, coconut etc.) and allow it to heat and then slowly and carefully pour in the cornbread mixture. Put in oven and bake for about 15 minutes, watching closely and removing when golden brown.
Cleanse Friendly Crackers (Vegan)
1/2 cup Chia Seeds (you must include these since they are what binds the crackers together)
1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
1/2 cup chopped almonds
3/4 cup spelt flour flakes (substitute millet or amaranth for gluten free version)
1/2 cup puffed brown rice (no additives, just puffed rice)
1 cup water
2 cloves grated garlic
Fresh herbs
Salt to taste
Preheat oven to 325F and line cookie sheet with parchment paper.
Mix all dry ingredients together. Mix water, grated garlic and fresh herbs in separate bowl and then mix well with dry ingredients to form a somewhat sticky mixture. Press mixture into pan as thin as you can for maximum crispiness! Bake for 20-25 minutes and then remove from oven to cut into crackers. Flip crackers and then put back in the oven for about 20 minutes, watching closely. Allow to cool (if you can!) and enjoy with your favorite dip (see Tofu Spinach Dip recipe which is my fave!).
Super Easy Tofu Spinach Dip (Vegan/Gluten free)
1 pkg soft tofu or silken tofu
1 clove garlic
Juice of half a large lemon
Half a ripe avocado
Handful chopped spinach
2 tablespoons olive oil
Sea salt to taste
Put everything into a blender and blend until smooth. I usually use the smoothie setting to do this. Refrigerate and enjoy when ready!
Welcome to my recipe blog!
So today is the first of what I hope will be many posts. I am starting this blog out of necessity really, since I hope to create a place where anyone who feels like making a healthy and delicious snack, meal or dessert can visit and become inspired, because while there are a few sites out there that do just that, most leave me feeling one of the following things: 1) that I don't want to leave my house to get the weird ingredient on the list; 2) that it sounds gross or 3) that it's too expensive to make.
As a student I am living on a very limited budget, but have a great need for healthy brain food which sometimes tends to be expensive. But I really do notice a difference in my performance when I fuel my body with the right stuff so I make a pretty big effort to do so. In order to stay on budget and on track with my eating, I spend time checking out my local grocery stores, markets, delis and produce stores and I now know where to get the least expensive products including things that are normally pretty pricey. Living in Vancouver there is absolutely no excuse to eat like crap...we can access all sorts of interesting things within a very small area. Life gets busy, I know. I am a full time student with a full time job, I volunteer at 2 separate facilities and I look after a household of 2 dogs and a very sweet man friend:). Just imagine if there was some magic serum you could take that would give you more energy and make you less irritable. Well there is! And it's contained in your food. Moral of the story is, put good stuff in, and get good stuff out. You'll sleep better, be happier, have more energy and maybe even better me, it's worth it!
So I hope to appeal to those people who, like me, are very busy, and who may not have tons of cash to spend on expensive groceries, or who may not have weird ingredients in their cupboards. Some of my recipes are really healthy, others are not as healthy but are much better alternatives to the store bought version or the more typical recipes found for desserts and snacks. All it takes is a little effort, a little interest and a little willingness to explore...all fun things to do when the product is delicious and satisfying food!! And if you live in Vancouver, I'll even include where you can buy certain things and how much they cost. I'll probably do a post in the near future which lists ingredients that I think should always be in your cupboard so that maybe you can stock up on these items too, and never be caught without it when you're looking to make something new.
I hope people find this the very least, I'll have all my recipes in one place :)
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